Die gemütliche atmosphäre von Yoschi’s Hotel und Restaurant lädt Sie zu einem mehrtägigen Aufenthalt ein. Entspannen Sie sich in frischer, kühler Luft unweit des Vulkanes Bromo.


Dies is die originalversion der website vom Yoschi’s Hotel

This website is the official website of the owner of Yoschi’s Hotel.

The name of Yoschi’s is a combination of Yoyok (from Indonesian) and Uschi (form Germany). Yoschi’s Hotel opened in 1st September 1989 in the village Wonokerto in the area of Mount Bromo (east java). Guest from all over the world enjoyed the special atmosphere of the rooms, restaurant and the garden. Since 2014 there is also on convension Hall and Gallery. Selling gemstone and special Indonesian antique Keris

About us